Disability Accommodation Request

* indicates a required field

Student Information

By submitting this Disability Accommodation Request, supporting documentation, you affirm reading and understanding Juilliard’s Disability Accommodation Request process and that the information you provided is truthful and accurate.


The Juilliard School and OASDS take student confidentiality seriously. Under disability law, students have the right to choose whether or not to self-disclose their disability. OASDS will not release a student’s disability status, documentation, or communications to individuals outside of The Juilliard School without explicit permission from the student. However, under disability law, colleges have the right to disclose a student’s disability information to other faculty and staff members or service providers on a need-­to­­-know basis. Additionally, OASDS will disclose information regarding a student’s disability in emergencies that directly involve the student's health and safety or the safety of another student. 

Requesting accommodations for: Required

Enter your Juilliard ID Number here.

If you are requesting accommodations for an Admission Application, Audition, Extension, or Summer Program, please use the following naming convention for your ID:


Audition ID example: AuditionSmith081523

Please use your university issued email address. If you are requesting accommodations for an audition, please use your preferred email address.

Please type your first and last name


Accessibility Information

Please select all that apply

Provide details on how the current disability impacts your ability to participate in your education.

Indicate when you received them, and how they assisted you

For a description of types of *Supporting Documentation, see section below

Please describe how they assist you.

My *Supporting Documentation is included with this request form. Required

*Supporting Documentation

Supporting documentation should (preferably be on professional letterhead) contain the following information:

1. Diagnoses of all disabilities for which accommodations are requested, including elaborations on the treatment(s), medication(s), assistive device(s), and service(s) prescribed or recommended.

2. A list of the functional limitations that the student will experience in an academic environment as a result of the documented disability. This includes a brief description of the impact of the disability over time (i.e., is the impact permanent or temporary?)

3. Any suggestion for reasonable academic accommodations related to the disability.

In addition to the information mentioned above, documentation should include the license number and professional credentials of the diagnosing professional(s) and the date the evaluation was conducted. 

*Please note that an IEP or 504 Plans are acceptable supporting documentation, but do not automatically qualify a student for accommodations and, in some cases, may not provide the information necessary to indicate a need for accommodations

Documentation should be submitted to:

The Juilliard School

Attn: Office of Academic Support and Disability Services

60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Rm 245B

New York, NY 10023

Phone: 212.799.5000, Ext. 320


Uploaded below

Upload supporting document(s)